Math-Mapper™ is an intuitive tool to show teachers and students what needs to be learned and to assess and provide feedback on students’ progress over time. It consists of: 1) a digital learning map, and 2. a diagnostic assessment system that can be coordinated with any curriculum.

Math-Mapper is an integrated learning map, curated links to open resources, and a diagnostic assessment suite that is administered, scored and reported in real time
Students and teachers look to the learning map to see several critical “big ideas.” Looking more closely, each big idea expands to show exactly what concepts must be learned to master the big idea and how to get there. When ready, students access a diagnostic assessment and get immediate feedback on their level of proficiency in learning those big ideas. Based on research on how students learn successfully, the assessment items diagnosis common errors and misconceptions. With the immediate feedback teachers can adjust instruction based on results, and students form flexible learning groups to tackle those topics together or individually. Using the map, students and teachers see student progress and use the information to plan next steps.

Math-Mapper separates middle school mathmematics into Nine Big Ideas
Free, on-line, expertly curated materials linked precisely to clusters provide options for pursuing interesting project-based learning. A library of tagged resources supports further personalization. The materials can be locally supplemented supporting customization across place and context. A scope and sequence tool allows for planning across teachers and schools. The design supports schools to organize by or across grade levels anticipating increasing orientation to competency-based learning instead of seat time by grades.

Each construct reveals learning trajectory, Common Core links and access to curriculum.
What differentiates the tool most from others is how its diagnostic assessments measuring students progress along each level of the trajectories. The items check for student misconceptions, pinpoint student needs and check for deep understanding. This is truly assessment for learning!